How much effort it takes to become an entrepreneur
Persistent never-ending focus on your goal is the key to success. My recommendation is to work 12-15 hours per day while taking one day off. Because that is from multiple interviews of different successful entrepreneurs the amount they worked day by day.
I highly recommend starting with a company that doesn’t require much upfront cost. Ideally next to 0. It just increases your chances of making it so much more because you can learn from your mistakes without running into the danger of going bankrupt.
The sacrifices you must take
An example: 12 hours of work+ 7 hours of sleep = 19 hours. You have 5 hours left per day + 1 free day per week. Given the fact that you also have other things to do like cooking, cleaning, and so on, do you think you will be able to sustain these working hours? I am talking for many. Or do you have other desires that are stronger? Think in detail about your wants and needs. Because if some of these needs are stronger than you will to succeed over time you will stop having the drive to succeed. Your motivation will just dry up. If you think that you have such needs that require time you should not become an entrepreneur. And that is totally fine.